Self-conscious about your crooked teeth? Looking for a discreet solution? One Dental Studio is here to provide you with a healthy, beautiful, and straight smile that you'll be proud to show off. For patients who would like to achieve a flawless-looking smile without the use of traditional metal braces, we are proud to offer Invisalign® clear braces.

How Do Invisalign Clear Braces Work?

Did you spend hours at the orthodontist as a teen, only to find that your teeth shifted back as an adult? Have you corrected your teeth using traditional metal braces, but then stopped wearing your retainer?

Invisalign braces may be just what you need to discreetly get your straight teeth back! They are also a great option if you have never worn braces, but have mild to moderate crowding of your teeth. As Invisalign dentists, our team can help you straighten your teeth without the use of traditional brackets and wires.

Aligners can have a positive impact on your appearance, but they are also designed for easy maintenance. These clear, removable braces allow you to keep your smile clean and avoid tooth decay and gum disease. The Invisalign system uses removable plastic trays that are easy to care for and comfortable to wear.

Are Invisalign Braces Right For Me?

Today's orthodontists and dentists have an alternative choice to uncomfortable, unsightly metal braces. Invisalign has a similar teeth-straightening ability to braces, but are almost invisible.

If our Invisalign dentists determine you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, clear aligners are created to fit over your teeth in the same way that a mouth guard or whitening tray would. Each set of of these clear braces are worn for about 2 weeks, then are swapped out for the next set. Over time, Invisalign braces move your teeth to a straighter, more aligned position within your mouth. In many of our cases, the Invisalign process takes just a year or less to complete!

Benefits Of Invisalign Braces

  • Clear aligners no one can tell you’re wearing
  • Removable for easy maintenance and cleaning
  • No dietary restrictions
  • Most patients complete their Invisalign braces treatment in 1 year or less
  • Invisalign braces can be more comfortable than wearing traditional braces

Invisalign Teen Braces

If your teenager needs orthodontic treatment, Invisalign could be a better treatment option than traditional metal braces.

Invisalign® Teen is made specifically for teenagers and provides a nearly invisible method of straightening their teeth using clear, removable aligners that are custom-made for your teen’s smile. While traditional braces use wires, brackets, and bands - Invisalign makes getting a straighter smile simple with clear aligners.

At One Dental Studio, we often recommend Invisalign to our teenage patients because:

  • Treatment is discreet
  • Invisalign clear aligners are comfortable to wear
  • Teens can easily remove the aligners to brush and floss their teeth, keeping their smile healthy during orthodontic treatment
  • They can enjoy any food without worrying about damaging their braces
  • There's no risk of emergency dental visits because of breaking wires or damaged brackets
  • Straightening their teeth with Invisalign often takes less time than with traditional orthodontic treatment

How Much Do Invisalign Braces Cost?

Everyone's smile is unique, so the cost of any orthodontic treatment is individualized for each patient. The cost of Invisalign is similar to traditional braces and other comparable orthodontic treatments.

The best way to get all the information you need about Invisalign cost is to schedule a consultation with our Invisalign dentists. One Dental Studio is always here to discuss your individual treatment needs and budget requirements. Flexible payment options are often available and your dental insurance may even cover part of your Invisalign treatment.

Schedule Your Invisalign Braces Consultation With One Dental Studio Today!

If you have questions about Invisalign braces, tooth pain, or any other of the dental services we offer at One Dental Studio, give us a call. A simple and painless consultation will help determine if Invisalign could give you a straight, beautiful smile!

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Discover the One Dental Studio difference. Whether you're seeking routine care or specialized treatment, we're here to provide exceptional service in a serene and welcoming environment.