Transform Your Smile with All-on-4® Dental Implants at One Dental Studio

Are you seeking a permanent, robust solution for extensive tooth loss? At One Dental Studio in Davie, FL, we offer a revolutionary option that can restore your full smile in just one day - the All-on-4® dental implant system. This cutting-edge treatment, supported by our experienced dental implant team, promises a seamless journey towards regaining your natural-looking, fully functional smile.

Why Choose All-on-4 Dental Implants?

The All-on-4 system represents the pinnacle of restorative dental care, providing a swift and effective rehabilitation of your smile with just four strategically placed implants. These implants support a permanent, fixed denture, offering numerous benefits over traditional dentures:

  • Immediate Smile Restoration: Achieve a full smile makeover in a single surgery.
  • Stability and Comfort: Eliminates the sliding and discomfort associated with conventional dentures.
  • Oral Health Improvement: Promotes a healthier jaw and reduces oral health issues.
  • Enhanced Facial Structure: Improves appearance and supports facial muscles.
  • Durable Solution: Offers a long-lasting resolution to tooth loss, allowing you to eat, talk, and smile without worry.

Are All-on-4 Implants Right For You?

All-on-4 dental implants are ideal for patients experiencing significant tooth loss and seeking a durable, permanent solution. Dr. Maria Alejandra Magurno, alongside our dedicated team, evaluates each patient's suitability for this life-changing procedure. If you're a good candidate, you can look forward to rejuvenating your smile with results that are both immediate and lasting.

The "Same-Day Teeth" Process

Initial Evaluation and Planning

Our comprehensive approach begins with a detailed assessment of your jawbone's health and density, crucial for supporting the All-on-4 implants. Utilizing advanced imaging techniques, we meticulously plan the placement of your implants to ensure optimal outcomes.

The Surgical Procedure

The All-on-4 procedure is characterized by its efficiency and precision. After placing the four implants, we immediately attach a set of provisional teeth to your implants using abutments, allowing you to leave our office with a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile the very same day.

Schedule Your Consultation for All-on-4 Implants

Considering All-on-4 implants as the solution to your dental needs? Contact One Dental Studio today to schedule a comprehensive consultation. Our team is ready to provide you with detailed information, including a personalized treatment plan and transparent pricing.

Experience the One Dental Studio Difference

At One Dental Studio, we pride ourselves on our multi-specialty approach, combining the expertise of our prosthodontists, endodontists, periodontists, and general dentists to deliver comprehensive care in one location. Utilizing the latest in dental technology, we are dedicated to making your treatment as efficient, comfortable, and effective as possible.

Discover more about our dental services and how we can help you achieve the smile you've always desired. At One Dental Studio, we're not just transforming smiles; we're enhancing lives through expert dental care.

Ready to Experience the Best in Davie Dental Care? Schedule Your Appointment at One Dental Studio Now

Discover the One Dental Studio difference. Whether you're seeking routine care or specialized treatment, we're here to provide exceptional service in a serene and welcoming environment.